From Mon Mar 29 14:05:26 1993 Received: from by with SMTP id AA17179 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Mon, 29 Mar 1993 14:05:22 +0300 Message-Id: <> Date: 29 Mar 93 02:41:00 PST From: "VMSSERV Mail Server" Subject: U9201.TXT To: "rko" Status: OR USSR Radio Moscow Radio Kiev Radio Tashkent Radio Vilnius Radio Yerevan 4040 0800 RM-Vladivostok: RR: M/W dialog + some classical mx intervals (222 12/7 Findlater-CA) 4610 0600 Khabarovsk R.-Khabarovsk: RR: ancr w/ operatic mx vocals (333 11/25 Findlater-CA) 4635 0135 Tadzhik R.-Dushanbe: ??: M ancr, subcontinent vocals, tlk w/ ments of Dushanbe, more mx (343 11/21 Thompson-CA) (Flynn-OR) 5260 1448 Kazakh R.-Alma Ata: RR: RR tlk, unfamiliar IS, Balalaika mx, QRM (232 11/10 Flynn-OR) 5935 0618 R. Riga-Riga: Latvian: tlk w/ frequent ments of Latvia (322 11/28 Hart-MN) (Babin-MA) 5960 0900 RM: EE: ID, M nx (222 11/17 Findlater-CA) 7135 1027 RM-Komsomolsk: JJ: W tlk, "Kochirawa Moscowaa" ID, || 7380 (545 11/29 Berri-NZ) 7150 0011 RM-Lvov: EE: "Moscow Mailbag", including greetings from Joe Adamov to some guy named Ed Cichorek, slight cw QRM - @#$%&* hams! (444 12/1 Westenhaver-QU) (Lukas-NY) 7160 0631 RM: EE: end of nx brief, W ID, mx pgm, ID @ 0657, into nx @ 0700, || 9450, 7240, 15295 (333 12/4 Berri-NZ) (Westenhaver-QU) (Findlater-CA) 7205 1250 RM-Krasnoyarsk: RR: W tlk, powerful aria by M, more tlk, classical vocals / instrumentals, IS & ID @ 1300 (232 12/8 Cichorek-NJ) 7240 *0000 RM: FF: Kremlin bells, W s/on routine w/ ment of this bcst for Canada, then she read nx, || 9750/9860 were very weak (343 11/29 Westenhaver-QU) 7240 0600 RM: EE: W nx (333 12/3 Findlater-CA) 7380 0800 RM: RR: IS, ID, M tlk, poor (222 11/18 Findlater-CA) 7400 2330 RK: Ukrainian: nx of presidential election / referendums / Croatia, mx (555 12/3 Robinson-TN) 7400 0000 RV: EE: "Lithuania has some tremendous challenges as a nation..." (545 12/3 Robinson-TN) 7620 0820 RM: EE: cmtry on peace conference in the Hague (423 11/7 Scott-CA) (Are you sure about the frequency here Val? -ed) 9450 0416 RM: EE: NAm svc ID, "Science & Engineering" w/ tlk abt European experiments in Nuclear fusion (242 11/25 Westenhaver-QU) 9470 0124 RM: PP: ID, cmtry abt EC sanctions against Yugoslavia (343 11/12 Westenhaver-QU) @ 0108 (544 11/12 Babin-MA) (Psychic! -ed) 9480 2302 RY: Armenian: IS, "Yerevane khosum" M/W ID w/ theme mx, M/W tlk - nx(p) (343 11/19 Westenhaver-QU) 9520 0453 RM: SS: W tlk, ID (232 12/2 Berri-NZ) 9560 1412 RM: EE: "Focus on Asia & the Pacific" w/ cmtry on E. Timor & Pearl Harbor (343 11/29 Wakefield-IA) 9580 0100 RM: RR: IS, ID, continuous uninterrupted classical mx (222 11/18 Findlater-CA) 9580 *0830 RM: EE: ancr w/ classical mx pgm starting w/ Hayden's Symphony #80 in D minor (444 12/7 Findlater-CA) 9620 *2200 RM: FF: IS, ID, M nx (333 12/3 Findlater-CA) 9630 0000 RM: SS: IS, ID, ancr w/ latino mx, poor (222 11/20 Findlater-CA) 9635 0500 RM-Vladivostok: EE: M nx (333 11/27 Findlater-CA) 9685 1156 RM: Indonesian: light inst mx, closing anmt by M w/ "R. Moscowaa, siaran Indonesia...", 1159* but back *1200 in VV (343 11/21 Westenhaver-QU) 9705 1450 R. Alma Ata (DS2): Kazakh: non-stop classical mx, W anmt on hour, || 9690 via Moscow (222 11/29 Wakefield-IA) 9720 0305 RM: EE: nx w/ ID (444 10/29 Babin-MA) (Findlater-CA) 9765 0617 RM: EE: rpt on foreign debt and the USSR, Israel acts cool to new UN secretary (333 11/25 Brown-IL) (Robinson-TN) 9780 1052 RM: EE: tlk on musical intruments, || 9855 (444 11/30 Berri-NZ) 9795 0100 RM: SS: ID, M/W dialog (222 11/23 Findlater-CA) 9810 0200 RM: SS: IS, ID, M tlk (222 12/4 Findlater-CA) 9810 0700 RM: RR: IS, ancr w/ listener phone in pgm (222 11/16 Findlater-CA) 9860 0019 RM: FF: ID for pgm "Evenements et Opinions" w/ rpt on CSCE meeting in Paris and notes on European security, || 9750 (232), 7240 (242) (344 11/20 Westenhaver-QU) 9870 0049 RM: EE: cmtry on Russian constitution (533 11/14 Babin-MA) 9890 0846 RM: RR: pgm of Russian folk songs, brief M anmt @ 0858, WS IS and 0859* (242 12/5 Westenhaver-QU) 12050 0440 RM-Khabarovsk: EE: W presenting classical piano mx pgm featuring a young Russian musician (544 11/9 Kyburz-CO) 12070 2130 RM: EE: tlk on weapons treaty (444 10/29 Gaharan-LA) 13705 1531 RM: EE: ID, "Transcription Service Review" publicizing their taped pgm - trying to round up more customers for them, I guess (243 11/30 Westenhaver-QU) 13745 0400 RM: EE: M nx (333 12/1 Findlater-CA) 15115 1806 R. Bubovna: RR: nx, cmtry, mx (333 11/23 Wolfson-OH) 15180 0000 RV-Komsomolsk: EE: W nx, || 17605, 17690 (333 11/30 Findlater-CA) 15180 0100 RK-Komsomolsk: EE: ID, W cmtry on Ukraine's decision to become independent (333 11/28 Findlater-CA) 15425 0101 RM-Petropavlovsk: EE: nx items, cmtry on Gorbachev & Yeltsin (333 11/23 Levison-PA) 15435 1223 RM: EE: "Update" w/ interview of New Jersey doctor who's bringing US medical aid to Soviet hospitals (343 12/5 Westenhaver-QU) 17450 2230 RM: RR: W ancr w/ mx vocals by Russian composers, || 17570 (222 11/20 Findlater-CA) 17605 0148 RK: EE: mx, ID, rpt on crimes against foreigners, ID/sked (333 11/28 Brown-IL) (Findlater-CA) 17655 0605 RM: EE: M nx, ID @ 0606, || 17720, 21690, 21790, 21845 (444 12/2 Berri-NZ) 17665 0220 RK: EE: pgm on Soviet magazines (333 11/12 Babin-MA) 17675 0505 RM: EE: pgm to S.Asia, ID @ 0515 (332 11/8 Gibson-AR) 17690 0018 RV-Petropavlovsk: EE: feature on classical mx festivals in Lithuania, || 17605, 15180 (242 11/18 Westenhaver-QU) (Findlater-CA) 17690 0300 RK-Petropavlovsk: Ukrainian: M/W w/ religous-type choral mx + classical M vocals, || 9750, 7400 (444 11/27 Findlater-CA) (Levison-PA) 17690 0330 RY-Petropavlovsk: Armenian/EE: tlk, nx in EE (333 12/1 Findlater-CA) 17720 2323 RM: EE: "Focus on Asia & the Pacific" w/ rpts on E. Timor & Japanese press coverage of 50th anniv. of Pearl Harbor (243 11/28 Westenhaver-QU) 17735 0600 RM: RR: IS, M tlk, poor (222 12/9 Findlater-CA) 17790 0800 RM: EE: discussion on Russian parliment (444 11/9 Millard-TX) 17810 0800 RM: EE: ID, nx (444 11/7 Millard-TX) 21480 2155 RM: EE: W ID, piano mx, end-of-hour routine, ID @ 2200, into wld nx (233 12/1 Berri-NZ) (Findlater-CA) (Westenhaver-QU) 21770 0000 RM: RR: IS, ID, M nx, 0100* (333 12/1 Findlater-CA) Schedules R. Estonia in EE 2030-2100 (Monday & Thursday only): 5925 [SCDX 2145] R. Tashkent in EE 1200-1230, 1330-1400: 17745, 15470, 9540, 5945 [T. Sundstrom via ANARC BBS] Contributions have dropped off back to their normal levels again after last month's huge upsurge, but still a good selection. The Site IDs are again from the 1992 PWBR. Lots of political changes are going on in the Soviet Union right now, changing a country most of us grew up to know as the USSR. Chances are that name will soon no longer be valid as the country breaks up and reforms into some kind confederation or commonwealth. Needless to say, when the political upheavals begin to settle down and a new name is chosen, I will have to change the name of this column and redo the header. Any suggestions on what the new header should look like, the new name, etc. are welcome. As I'm sure many of you know, the North American service has ceased to exist, being merged into the World Service. I also heard that the World Service will be cutting back on the number of languages broadcast to 6! There have even been rumors floating around from various sources that the World Service may be abolished completely! Certainly the financial crisis in the Soviet Union has had a severe impact on the Radio Moscow budget. If the demise of Radio Moscow should come to pass, it will be a sad day for swl'ers. I exchanged electronic mail with Andy Sennitt regarding computer access to the Radio Moscow site info. Suffice it to say, it looks like the only access we normal folks will have to the information is through the WRTH, for now (rats). Seems like all the news I have had to report this month has been bad! I did have a nice vacation in New Zealand though, as you can see by my logs, hi. It was very nice being able to dx with virtually no QRN, something impossible where I live now. That's all I have for now. Have a happy 1992 and see you next month. -Jason